Monday, May 24, 2010

Survey: When you hear people talk about FREE SPEECH.....? it sometning that interests you?

I understand that Yahoo! is under no LEGAL bind to offer Free Speech as a right to it's members, but every company has a Mission statement, and part of Yahoo!'s says, and I quote :


"We thrive on creativity and ingenuity. We seek the innovations and ideas that can change the world. We anticipate market trends and move quickly to embrace them. We are not afraid to take informed, responsible risk."


"We believe humor is essential to success. We applaud irreverence and don't take ourselves too seriously. We celebrate achievement. We yodel."


"We share an infectious sense of mission to make an impact on society and empower consumers in ways never before possible. We are committed to serving both the Internet community and our own communities."

Do you think these statements fit in to the VIOLATIONS that you have been getting?

Do these statements infer an obligation that Yahoo! is not living up to??

Survey: When you hear people talk about FREE SPEECH.....?
It will have to be Ethics, Buk. But I think this mission statement

admirable thought it is, has long ago been crumpled up and thrown in the refuse bin.

Maybe not in theory, but in practice Yahoo has drifted away from all these ideals and has taken the easy way out.

Community moderation has been a dismal failure, they'll end up with a bunch of frightened sheep controlled by prying Trolls and strictly policed by 'trusted reporters' reveling in hunting down the 'offenders'.

Basically exterminating the people they themselves claim to be , there'll be no innovation, no risks taken, no trends anticipated let alone followed, no humor allowed and certainly no Yodeling !.

They'll have created a stagnant society, and those societies

are doomed. There'll be no community to serve whatsoever.

It's sad, but yes I still feel they ought to hark back to these old

ideals and stop the rot.

They are not living up to their inferred obligations.
Reply:Ethical lies.....seems a contradiction in terms, but not as stated by Yahoo policy....then the about-face and appeals not handled justly, nor with the consideratione these appeals deserve.
Reply:They are lying! I got a violation for saying that's a good question when someone asked how in the world does someone rack up 8,000 points per week? It's all lies I tell ya! Let's go get em!
Reply:its lies Buk..............big lies, and we all know it
Reply:A little of both... i'd call it LETHICS...
Reply:Sure.....Humor, creativity and ingenuity are long as they fall in the invisible guidelines they seem to have!
Reply:I think Y/A must be thinking of running for President, they can write the speech, but don't practice what they preach!

Makes me want to smack em with a chain saw
Reply:It's kinda like when you have a friend and they ALWAYS need everything to go THEIR way. You just hang around for the fun you know you can have even if he/she is a pain in the behind.
Reply:Yeah, "Ethics" and when you pull up Yahoo Answers on the web it states (quote):

A place where people ask each other questions on any topic, and get answers by sharing facts, opinions, and personal experiences.

*but they left out the part about (unless some dweeb doesn't care for what You write)... and then, "You're in trouble, Mister" !!
Reply:Hypocrites...the whole damn lot of them!!!!!

Either that or they are just plain lying straitfaced, to us all!
Reply:Well, I have a lipth, and a harelip, so I cannot talk about free speeth. I do type very well...will you hire me??? Please....

Oh, the violations..jeeze.. they are called " Guidelines by which you must obey" yea right.

Anyway, glad too see you back!!
Reply:Between the two, ethics.

YahooAnswers is trying to clean up this town and in the process, they are encouraging people to report violations of the policies.

I find it ironic that a level one user is limited on questions that they can ask, and is not capable of comprehending the thumbs up/down concept, but they are capable of making a judgment on what should be reported??????

Couple that with Bulk reporting ability for those taht Yahoo deems worthy of reporting violations and the rest of the users are left to feel like they are targets in a bowl waiting to be picked off.

To me, it's definitely ethics!!!
Reply:It would all depend on the theme music behind those statements. Pomp and Circumstance or AC/DC?
Reply:Ethics. Always ethics, if we fall to lies we fall to the spectre of the Nazi's and their ilk once more. It starts small then builds momentum. Hitler was a Corporal at one time.

Yeah yeah I know Yahoo is not 1930's Germany nor are these trolls anywhere near as intelligent {snort} as Hitler but it is an effective analogy when applied against Yahoo Mission Statement and the arbitrary violations etc. handed out. Learn from history or repeat it.

Either live up to your word or be honest about not doing so. Yes Yahoo, in my humble opinion, needs to live up to their own words.

Ethics. What a concept. ( with apologies to Robin Williams)
Reply:Free speach? Free speach? Hmmmmm that must what these rolls of duct tape are all about that they sent me. Do you suppose they want me to use it make a megaphone to shout my opinions from a mountain top? Yeah, that's the ticket.

Lies or Ethics? Let me think.................Do you smell something? Did the rodeo come to town? I smell bull mfffffp. Thith tape tasths like thit. Mfffp
Reply:When it comes to making money the ethical pendulum swings wide.
Reply:French Toast is a lie!!!
Reply:Ethics. They are trying to make this a family place. Although, I think they should have categories for 18 and over.
Reply:Wow!! They sure haven't lived up to their end of the bargain...but sure do expect us to live up to ever changing rules and regs...they allow trolls to hunt folks down and nothing ever done to stop them..just doesn't make sense to me...

I am very proud to be here with you and adding my voice to yours!!
Reply:Ethics.....No, they have NOT fit the violations I have been getting. Please leave this Q posted for as long as you can....then post it again.....and again.

Thanks, Roscoe
Reply:Ethics not being adhered to.
Reply:It's a conspiracy Buk. A conspiracy I tell ya. My buddy and I had an interesting conversation last night. We are on to something for sure. The more accounts they delete the more we create (a direct result of their ridiculous violations). Which then gives the illusion that Y!A has A LOT more users than in reality it does. This looks very good to "sponsors" no? When you can say you have 60 million users (even though probably 25 million of them are the same people with multiple accounts) you can get much bigger advertising dollars. Doesn't that make sense?

I'm guessing their sponsors wouldn't be too happy if they knew this truth. Have you noticed many of them offer there emails here in their advertising? Hummm? Now there's a thought! lol

* Poll: ETHICS. The severe lack of them is causing the screwed up world we presently live in .

Peace ...

Reply:It contradicts their own mission statements. It doesn't account for those that have personal beefs with people and those that run around as trolls. They're allowed to censor whatever they want, but we can't put what we want out there. *Shakes head*.

My own opinion is that the people that want to report questions have more flexibility, latitude and POWER to do as they please. It makes it difficult to speak your mind here.

Reply:It may say that, but it's not true that's for sure. If they lived up to what they printed, the vios would cease. And then we could have our fun in peace.

Lies, all lies. :D
Reply:Sounds like you did your research there, Buk. Yahoo is not living up to its own mission statement.

Reply:This website states it's terms and conditions, so they can punish the use of "free speech" if they want, but...

The government can't restrict it...or punish it...

But private companies can...
Reply:I think there has to be limits on speech here because of the age of some of the participants. But I have received violations for questions and answers where I didn't use any sexual references, curse words or drug references. So maybe the guidelines need to be reviewed and re-worked.
Reply:Did you say you wanted scrambled eggs and sausage with this side of lies.. Would you like you toast burnt or lightly browned to go along with this Lie? Not up to a side of Vio's today they seem not to go along with my eggs and sausage..On second hand maybe pancakes would be better..I think these statements intefer that Y .. is not living up to a good breakfast..Nothing worse than i hate and its a liar.. Thanks B..
Reply:They've been smoking oregano.


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