Thursday, May 20, 2010

Survey for christians and anyone else who would like to answer?

1.Do you really do anything to spread Gods word?

2.Do you make a difference at ur school or do you follow the crowd?

3.If this was ur last day on earth what would you do to save lives?

4.Do you ever feel like helping people in your community and talking to them about God?

Survey for christians and anyone else who would like to answer?
None of us are put on this earth to save anyone, as for spreading Gods word not one human being is expected to do that, some only want to because it creates wealth for those that do, I personally will help anyone in need, but not because God told me to, he has never given that responsibility to anyone, and I assure you he never will. Believing in God is personal, you were never given a right to push your beliefs on anyone.
Reply:Is this a multiple choice, and do we get a sticker, mommy?
Reply:1 Never

2 I work, not at school

3 If its my last day i`d be partying not saveing other people

4 Only the christians, they hate it when you try logic on them.
Reply:Its better for christians to try to save themselves first .... not to try to save the others .....

Reply:1. Yes

2. Yes

3. Jesus saves, not me, I just tell people about Him

4. Feel like it and do it.
Reply:1. Yes, I do.

2. I surely hope so

3. Whatever God led me to do

4. Helping yes, but talking to them as in full-out evangelism is not my forte. Therefore I prefer to tell people about God through my actions and I'll answer of course when they ask...
Reply:No to most of your questions. I am very spiritual. I have a connection with nature and the world around me on a very deep level. As of late, I have questioned some things about Christianity, but still remain a believer in God. I do not preach the word of God because I don't even follow the Bible that much myself. I know the basic laws and try to follow those but I tend to focus more on being a morally just person in my everyday life situations. That can be attained by all. Hopefully I can lead by example and not have to resort to lecturing to someone about the Bible. This does not mean that I am more or less spiritual than anyone. This is just my own personal relationship with my God.
Reply:1. Yes, I teach a ladies Bible study group, I teach New Believers, and I just got back from a Missionary trip to India.

2. I don't go to school, but in the workplace, I let my Light shine, and sometimes we at the office have good talks.

3. I would contact my friends and family who don't know the Lord.

4. I do. My church has alot of outreach programs for the community.
Reply:This is more of a child's questions than a survey. The answers wanted are preaching. Preaching is not wanted by people.
Reply:1. no

2. not in school

3. i would focus on enjoying my last day with my family, not on trying to save lives of strangers

4. I help people in my community, and we sometimes talk about "God", or rather, the belief in God, but the 2 aren't connected.
Reply:1. I speak with people when the topic or related topic arises - and I hold a weekly gathering in my home. I sometimes write articles and some are published in local papers.

2. I make a difference where I can.

3. Dependant upon what is going on and circumstance.

4. Yes.

~ Eric Putkonen
Reply:1) I hold on to my beliefs and don't falter in sharing them with people when someone asks what I am doing with my life.

2) Oh I'm quite unique

3)Meditate in a very crowded and uptight place, namely the center of Columbus, Ohio

4)I know I should help them, but I'm patient in allowing those wishes to come to fulfillment.

2)Try to make a difference by my actions


Reply:1) I find it incredibly rude to force my opinions and beliefs on others when I haven't been asked to share them, and am highly irritated when I am preached to when I haven't said, "What are your religious views?" So no, I do not try to force anyone to recognize the Goddess and God.

2) I graduated long ago, dear. But I never followed the crowd.

3) What?

4) I do help people in my community through a arts and service organization that I cofounded with a friend of mine. We have taught a lesson on theatre and improv at a brain injury recovery center, rung the bell for the Salvation Army's kettle campaign, and want to find out how to get into schools to help at-risk youth develop self-esteem and critical thinking skills. There are many other ways to help people and make a difference besides talking to them about the God YOU believe in.

Reply:1. yes, I'm a youth pastor/director at my church

2. I make a difference, go against the flow of the world

3. tell my friends and family of the love of God

4. do it all the time, not only in my community but in other countries.

What are you doing for Gods kingdom??

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