Monday, May 24, 2010

Survey on income tax and the government budget, and things related to them?

1. Should income tax be

a) Progressive B) Flat rate C) Eliminated

2. If we have to keep income tax, what should be the average tax percentage on be?

A) 40% or less B) about 50% C) 60% or higher

3. How should the money be spent? (currently 37% is spent on Retirement and entitalements, 20% on defense/war, 18% on social programs, 8% on physical human community development, and 2% on law enforcement) (I got this budget from school, from my Democratic Citizenship class.)

4. Should the president be able to use a line-item-veto when making the budget? (Too help eliminate wasteful spending and create a balanced budget.)

Survey on income tax and the government budget, and things related to them?
1 c

2 less than 10 percent

3 To complicated to answer here.

4 Yes and if the President doesn't have one the veto the whole thing until its the way the President wants it.

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