Monday, May 11, 2009

Survey! Guaranteed best answer for first person?

who in most detail tells me how changing patterns of work change the community YOU live in.

this is a survey. i need to survey as many people as i can and i realised many people might answer so best answer is for the person who answers in most detail.

anyway thanks everybody for taking the time to do my survey!

Survey! Guaranteed best answer for first person?
I have my own homework to do, I'm not doing yours.

shoe buckles products

Just Curious Survey: Is there a time and place for everything


Word on the street is this is otherwise known as college.

Is this your experience?

If so feel free to share intimate details, however:

DISCLAIMER: The producers of this survey do hereby and legally deny adovacting or even acknolweding any answer which violates yahooo community guidelines.

Film at 11:00.

Just Curious Survey: Is there a time and place for everything
Yes, I believe so*

what, im lacking originality i know, but i have no idea what you're talking about and im here to make up numbers.

hope this helps
Reply:Ahhh so this is my problem...

I am Un-educated.. I didn't go to College or Uni.

So I missed out on this experience. lol

I was always told to keep my emotions in check.

Because There is a time and place for everything.
Reply:In this house there is a place for everything and everything is in its place.

Not sure about the time part though.

Can't seem to make that work for me very well.

Reply:Yes, there is.....

But obviously this isn't the right time,

Nor will it ever be the right place,

To many outside influences.

My view on this... 'Build a Bridge and get over it'
Reply:i can make the 11pm film,i didnt go to college,i have no intimate details to share!
Reply:there is a time and place for everything, good and bad, that's how God made things..
Reply:It's about time. It's the right place. It's about time to slap your face.

*I say this alot. heehee

Reply:Yes there is, my experience would definately get me violated
Reply:Yes, I believe so*
Reply:yes i think so. XD
Reply:hahaha so where did you get this idea??? you know what i think.
Reply:Only if you want there to be............

I prefer not.....I like a little chaos.............

Creationists why do you think it is that virtually the entire scientific community accepts evolution theory?

keeping in mind that most surveys show scientists are as likely to believe in God as anyone else?

Creationists why do you think it is that virtually the entire scientific community accepts evolution theory?
Why?......I'll tell you WHY........Blame it all on Satan. God is all powerful. Yet He allows Satan to carry out his deceitful and destructive activities—within certain limits—for a purpose. God allows mankind to learn—partly by firsthand experience—that the only way of life that will work is the way of life He reveals in His Word, the Bible. That lesson will not be complete until all of humanity has learned that "every word" of God's revealed instructions is vital to our physical, mental and spiritual well-being (Matthew 4:4; Deuteronomy 5:29). No alternative way of life achieves God's purpose or ultimately leads us to happiness.

But how can God get this point across to people who are born into the world with no knowledge or understanding? He could have preprogrammed us to behave only according to harmless predetermined instincts. But then we would be mere automatons, having no choices, no individuality, no character.

Such existence is not what God intends for us. He has created us to become members of His own family —His sons and daughters (2 Corinthians 6:18)—able to carry great responsibilities within His family.

At the beginning of human existence God stated His purpose for us: "Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.' So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:26-27).

God created mankind to be like Him, to rule—have dominion—over His creation. To learn to properly exercise such a level of responsibility, man must first learn how to discern right from wrong, good from bad and the wise from the foolish. Learning real wisdom involves learning how to make wise choices. From the beginning God pointed out the right way, but He allowed humans to be exposed to and make foolish choices.

God allowed Satan, the epitome of evil, to enter the Garden of Eden and discuss his view of life with Adam and Eve. They then had to make a choice. They chose to follow Satan rather than God. Satan's tragic delusion of mankind has been the result. Through hundreds of corrupt religions he has convinced billions of people to worship the sun, moon and stars, animals, nature, deceased ancestors, imaginary gods and goddesses and a bewildering variety of other things—or nothing at all. Even among the many varieties of traditional Christianity we find people divided and bickering over who and what God is, His purpose for us, what He wants us to do and how we should live. The devil has done an effective job of confusing people as to what the Bible really says. As a master of persuasion, Satan easily deceives mankind into focusing on anything but God. Through the theory of evolution, for example, he has convinced millions that God doesn't exist.

Satan doesn't care which of these groups people fall into. Whether they believe in no God at all, accept and worship a false god or are deceived into a false view of the true God and His plan for us, Satan still has them where he wants them—"alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart" (Ephesians 4:18).

Perhaps this helps us better understand what God means when He tells us that the devil "deceives the whole world" (Revelation 12:9). Paul explains that "the god of this age" has blinded those "who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine on them" (2 Corinthians 4:4).

In one of His parables Jesus explains that, as soon as some people hear God's truth, "the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved" (Luke 8:12). Satan will stop at nothing to keep people blinded to the fullness of God's truth. The result, as Jesus explained, is that "the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it," and "the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it" (Matthew 7:13-14, NRSV). However, when Jesus Christ returns to earth, God will remove the delusion of Satan. God then will begin, on a grand scale, the process of reversing the damage Satan has done. Eventually none of the devil's influence will remain.
Reply:The entire scientific community (virtually) does not accept evolution theory if you mean by "evolution theory" the Darwinian Synthesis.

The answer to your question lies with presuppositions. If one comes to the table with the presupposition that nothing supernatural is possible, then one has to come up with something other than the Creationist claim. So we say that a blindfolded man, liquored up on a fifth of sour mash, can walk from the outskirts of Chicago to the top of the Sears Tower. He never gets hit by vehicles; he never climbs up on top of porches or parked cars and gets stuck because he cannot come down; he can only climb higher for at the top of the Sears Tower is a pot of gold and he if ever reverses ascent into descent he forfeits his claim on that gold.

Makes about as much sense as an intelligent, invisible deity creating everything from nothing.
Reply:When you say the entire scientific community - that includes a lot of scientific disciplines that have absolutely zero to do with astrophysics, astronomy , or biology - the areas of science where they know most about the universe and the study of living organisms, including their structure, functioning, evolution, distribution and inter-relationships.

There are probably thousands of scientists who study insects, flora and fauna, plastics, mechanical engineering etc who are born again christians, and why not? Their fields of expertise teaches them no more about how stars are created or what holds the universe together or evolution, than cookery does.

Of course there are many, [if you include all scientific disciplines] who don't believe in evolution, possibly even most scientists, but those in those fields that most closely know - they do believe that evolution is the most likely, and certainly more likely than creation.

I would have thought that even creationists would have realised that. I have never heard any evolutionist, or Atheist say virtually ALL scientists accept the theory of evolution. Just those whose disciplines take them to areas of science that touch on where we came from.

Your survey results are not even slightly surprising.
Reply:Evolution is a theory and not science. Science is having fool proof evidence for whatever it says, but in the case of the theory of evolution, it is accepted by a few, in order to deject God's existence. But, one day, the science will reach to the truth, when God himself reveals the truth to one of his servants, which will be scientifcally proven and until then, people who wish to do ugly and live ugly, will stick to nonsense theories, that have no base from science.
Reply:By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Heb 11:7

don't you know all of his neighbors laughed when noah told them water was going to fall from the sky and destroy them all... don't you think they scorned and scrutinized him whenever they saw him building that 70 something year old project and colossus of a boat? i imagine he sank every penny into building it. he may have stepped into it as a pauper, but when he came back out he owned the world.

Genesis 6:8 But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.

therefor i say let the scientific community say as they wish, i will stay in league with the Creator's community.
Reply:Because essentially the entire scientific community DOES accept evolution?

Scientists might believe in God, but geniuses don't. 97% of MENSA members are atheists.

According to a PEW survey in 2007, 94% of Americans believe in a God. Can you give me a statistic of how many, say, research scientists believe in God?
Reply:A creationist can also believe in evolution. The two theories are not mutually exclusive, though many try to make them out to be.

I do not believe in man evolving from apes (and there has been no definitive link proven between us and them), but I do accept evolution of animals.
Reply:Only the brainwashed scientists buy that creation nonsense.

Many people learned in elementary school that a theory falls in the middle of a hierarchy of certainty--above a mere hypothesis but below a law. Scientists do not use the terms that way, however. According to the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), a scientific theory is "a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that can incorporate facts, laws, inferences, and tested hypotheses." No amount of validation changes a theory into a law, which is a descriptive generalization about nature. So when scientists talk about the theory of evolution--or the atomic theory or the theory of relativity, for that matter--they are not expressing reservations about its truth.
Reply:Wow. What a reliable and modern way to discover fact. Take a survey. Or two. (NOT) You mean just the scientists that YOU know--of?

The "scientists" above mentioned:

They admit that evolution cannot account for the ORIGIN of life, but they would rather believe that life originated from space aliens than possibly admit that God exists:

" But even if life on earth turned out to have a nonevolutionary origin (for instance, if aliens introduced the first cells billions of years ago)"

See page 3 of the referenced "scientific article".....Are my tax dollars paying for this "research?" And these guys have letters behind their names? My eight year old knows better, without a GED!!!

Here are a few scientists who do not accept the fallacy of evolution:

Scroll down the page a little.

Act 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

Act 3:19 Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord;

Act 8:22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.

And Creationism is NOT anti-science; evolution is. Here is strong scientific evidence for a young earth:
Reply:I don't like surveys. I have looked behind the seens on many surveys and have come to find that they are either bias or lies. If you talk to an older person, with experience in biology, you will see that these surveys that we are showen, are lies.
Reply:A question back to you... why do you think it is that all over the world people are finding there own religion? Because everyone is trying to figure out why we are here and how we got here. Deep down inside we are all looking for answers. And science is there religion, there way of finding the deeper meaning of life.
Reply:Not "virtually all" scientist believe in evolution.

The bible states that God created man. He was a fully formed individual. Evolution requires small steps to evolve into a man.
Reply:the word "theory" jumps out boldly here,and always leaves me doubting any one of us has a realistic clue as to how it started.

i didnt come from an ape,i just dont buy that "theory"
Reply:Plenty, if not all creationists, accept the THEORY of evolution, and no credible scientist will say they BELIEVE in evolution.
Reply:Why does the scientific community lump not just Christians but ALL creationists from ALL walks of life together and label them inogrant? How can anyone who makes such a sweeping generalization be considered even remotely intelligent?
Reply:I think you mean Young Earth Creationists. I am a Creationist who recognizes the Scientific Theory of Evolution.
Reply:They want to keep their jobs !!! If you don't believe that statement go see EXPELLED the movie !!!
Reply:I bet ID'ers will say that scientists are mad at god or are trying to be god themselves
Reply:Because they only believe in what they can experience with their senses. You know see, touch,hear. GOD is a spirit and to believe in him requires one to believe in Spiritual things.

Thats why they reject the bible. The bible is a spiritual book inspired by GOD. Since they do not believe in GOD they have made up their own theory, Why else would scientist do the following;

Yes the fossil bones are real but the finders of these fossils take the fossils and piece them togather to try and form new species or they claim some animals bones are actually descend from man.

Such examples are "Lucy"—the skeleton of a nearly 3.2-million-year-old Australopithecus afarensis. But yet Three scientists from the departments of anatomy, anthropology, and zoology at Tel Aviv University reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (Vol. 104, pp. 6568-72, April 17, 2007) that the jawbone of the Lucy species (Australopithecus afarensis) is a close match to a gorilla's.

The article's abstract admits that “This finding was unexpected given that chimpanzees are the closest living relatives of humans.” The scientists concluded that this pretty much discounts these australopithecines as having any role in being a modern human ancestor.

Pilthdown man fragments of a skull and Jawbone Now found to be faked. It was a lower jawbone of an orangutan combined with the skull of a fully developed, modern man.

Nebraska man made up from the tooth of a extinct pig.

- "Pithecanthropus [Java man] was not a man, but a gigantic genus allied to the Gibbons . . . ." Eugene Dubois, "On the Fossil Human Skulls Recently Discovered in Java and Pithecanthropus Erectus," Man, Vol. 37, January 1937, p. 4.

The skulls of Peking man are considered by many experts to be the remains of apes that were systematically decapitated and exploited for food by true man.

The first confirmed limb bones of Homo habilis have recently been discovered. They show that this animal clearly had apelike proportions(h) and should never have been classified as manlike (Homo).

h. Donald C. Johanson et al., "New Partial Skeleton of Homo Habilis from Olduvai Gorge, Tanzania," Nature, Vol. 327, 21 May 1987, pp. 205-209.

The fossils with dinosaur prints and human footprints inside the dinosaur prints. Of course because they do not want to acknowledge it they just say their fake or some one created them. Which shows the bias that Science has.

So considering all this evidence and that they have faked and continue to falsly classify them as evidence for evolution, no the theory of evolution is false.
Reply:1. Because them and their highscool GED's think they know more about the Earth than people with college PHD's who have spent several years studying the Earth and how it works

2. Actually scientists tend to be more atheistic, and only a minority of the really prominent scientists believe in God

Caucasians are now Minority in Texas & California...How do you feel about this?

Just got the news today. Non-whites are now 51% in Texas %26amp; California. Whites are also minorities in Hawaii and New Mexico. This comes from the 2005 Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, results just released today.

Caucasians are now Minority in Texas %26amp; California...How do you feel about this?
We are all minorities in the world... unless we are Chinese.

So.. I say.. Whatever!
Reply:Thats Sucks!!!
Reply:"All men are created equal" says a united states document written up by the founding fathers.

Are you suggesting this applies to whites only?

What does it really matter, we're all human.
Reply:It doesnt really bother me, after a while we will be the minority nationwide...

one day there wont be any "white" people left.
Reply:Fantastic. Now tell me something important please!
Reply:Are you a member of the KKK? Do you want a completely homogenous population? Come on, society is so diverse nowadays, you have to accept it now.
Reply:Man. White ppl need to get crackin. Comon team! Lets have more babies! We'll show'em who's a minority! ;)
Reply:a few hundred years ago, there was not Caucasians in Texas %26amp; California. now they're 49%...How do you feel about this?
Reply:And they all hate us white people.- (Ungrateful!) You see the demorats just keep giving this country away! Oh, this subject! Let's go to their country and INSIST and PROTEST that they spend their money educating and teaching us their language for free!-and take free medicaid (welfare) and a government check and housing too! (AS IF!) America has had "sucker" written on it's head TOO LONG! Canada kicked out ALL of it's illegal immigrants, why can't we? WHITE PEOPLE LET'S START BREEDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...
Reply:WTF? How do you feel about it? I think it's fine... who cares? We're the only species who cares what color we are. I'm mixed black, white, and america indian (crowe). So what am I? Does that change me? Am I a minority then? Sweetie, I really hope you've given up on that dream of the Aryan race taking over the world... though y'all might just get it blown up for us.
Reply:it sucks
Reply:Are the non-whites contributing members of %26amp; law abiding? Or are they illegal aliens clogging ERs %26amp; sapping government funds? Color itself doesnt matter.
Reply:I am a 50 year old caucasian and a native of Los Angeles, California...and all I can tell you is I absolutely LOVE the ethnic and cultural diversity of my city and state! I wouldn't have it any other way!

I don't keep score of how many of what is where...goodness gracious, how could you live a life wanting to be surrounded only by those of your own absolutely boring...we're humans, not a flock of pigeons!!!!!!
Reply:As long as people work and stay out of trouble I don't care what they look like.
Reply:I am an umpteenth generation WASP. I live in SE Michigan where there is the greatest concentration of Muslims outside the Middle East. I am more concerned with the agenda of Muslim terrorists than what a person's ethnic makeup or religion is. Perhaps if I were from an ethnic minority, I would feel differently.
Reply:That sux. This country has no identity. I am not white, however I did not come to this country with the intention to have the 'American Dream' or feed my kids and help my family. I came here because dad's job relocated him here 3 yrs ago. So i am legal and everything but it really bothers me that this country has no identity. It seems like there was a time where they let everybody in. I do understand that other countries don't make life as easy as the USA does but it is also unfair to overpopulate tihs country and try to give everybody a chance. I'm sorry but this life is about gettin the best of what you have, and if you were born in Mexico or Colombia, work with what you have. It's not the US fault's that there are shitty countries to live in so just stay in there and make the best of it. i DO NOT support illegal immigrants, sorry.
Reply:Its really sad, and scary. What will happen when we are the minority all through the US?
Reply:I could care less. I live in Connecticut. Whites are still the majority here. Plus, what's wrong with non-whites? In a 100 years, you will be hard pressed to find a truly white person with all the mixed relationships going on anyway.
Reply:I'm fine with it. I think the less white America gets, the better America will become with dealing with other non-european countries.

However, the sociologial term of "minority" refers to balance of power, not the percentage of population. For example, consider South Africa under apartide. Blacks made up 98% (if I remember correctly) and whites 2%, howver, whites were the majority because they were in power. I know its weird, but that's the way it is.
Reply:Thats still not a minority...They still make up more of the population than any other SINGLE group. Nonwhites isn't one race.
Reply:yeah i know there's barely any Caucasians here in California its mostly Asians and Mexicans.
Reply:who's care
Reply:I guess it means we are now eligible for Affirmative Action laws. Actually, I don't really care who is the majority as long as they are true Americans and abide by the law.

Help! I want to put up a fence but have no idea what this even means...?

or how to read a property survey! My community handbook says I need to consult my property survey to determine setback lines (is this the same as the property lines marked out by the wooden stakes planted around the lot?) and that "fencing may NOT be erected on bermed areas of lots. i.e. no fence shall extend any higher on a berm than the 'toe' (base) of the berm". WTH? What is a berm? I am so confused!

Help! I want to put up a fence but have no idea what this even means...?
Good fences make good neighbors they say. And how they are maintained is up to you.

A setback is the distance between the property line and the line that is made by the fence. Some places require the fence to be set back a certain amount from the property line.

A berm is a raised area (mound) that controls rain water movement or is created for other purposes. Unlike a incline or hill which is consistent in it's direction, the berm is short in width and the ground reverts to the level that it was prior to the interruption of the mound. Just think of a speed bump multiplied in size. The toe is the base of the berm that is equivalent to ground zero before the ascending summit. If you have to cross the berm, to the other side with the fence, the height of the fence can't follow the contour of the land, but will have to accommodate it for a strait visual level as you are looking at it from the top.

And while it's a detail that is blown off in some cases, a building inspector along with a permit may be required. Especially with a new fence that is not replacing another. And he may want to check out the holes for depth before you add the post and concrete. And he may want to sign off on a final inspection. That fence will be configured into the plat survey for measure in regards to the property lines. And around here they got this lady they call JULIE who checks for utilities that are buried. Yes, now is the time to pick up that 50lb. telephone before you dig one ounce of dirt. The permit is cheap. The inspections by JULIE and the building inspector are free. Not having to tear down an improperly built fence or pay fines or be put into the hospital for breaking a power line or pay for repairs on utilities: priceless!
Reply:hire a professional to help.

shoe last rack

Yahoo Answers to be the Official WWE Survey site ?

WWE %26amp; Yahoo Answers will work together.

It is reported that WWE has come to an agreement with Yahoo to directly ask OFFICIAL WWE Survey Questions in the Yahoo Answers Community.

It is also rumored that Yahoo will add a Sports Entertainment Section in the future.

Vince McMahon is thrilled with being partnered with the Yahoo Answers Community and is looking forward to make his show more interactive. As he feels Yahoo Answers is the premiere interactive destination.

Yahoo Answers to be the Official WWE Survey site ?
really thats so awesome dude
Reply:it is very interesting idea.

That will make the Y/A more attractive and interesting,

it seems more and more developments are at offing

Reply:I hope this is legit. Alot of people out here have some very good insight and ideas.
Reply:thats brilliant

it looks like all of the wrestling fans on here will be heard

finally......the fans have come back to yahoo lol
Reply:Wow, maybe we will get noticed if this is true. This will be interesting. But why get a sports entertainment section? Wrestling Section is already here!
Reply:i constantly check and i didnt see this...

if it will happen, then its fine i guess..
Reply:All hail he need the fans help do make the show better.... thumbs up for you Vince ^^
Reply:nothing interesting...

you are a lady but you watch does kiinds of movie? hmm

you should change

Should there be brief, but specific community guidelines rules for different sections on Answers?

Probably not all sections-but what is a flaggable type question. I'm speaking of questions for a category, answers are often spur of the moment/misunderstandings. For instance if everyone always asked 'why' the question could be philosophy or polls and surveys, but if it was always showing up on polls and surveys, not being a yes or no or specific question, there might be a guideline to ask the question in philosophy. I wonder if such guidelines are used for flagging-what kind of response is expected to the question. If so, I would think it is a good idea.

Should there be brief, but specific community guidelines rules for different sections on Answers?
The Community Guidelines, in my humble opinion are really just Articles of War~

Alternative community service...?

if you desire to develop or assist a community service project addressing a need in the under-served areas other than a health realted projecct like education others about wellness and healthy living, what alternative community service work would you propose to perform and why?

or any of these....

what qualities do u believe r necessary 4 a pharmacist 2 b an excellent professional?

what u perceive to be the most pressing needs of rural and medically under-served areas and ur vision of the role?

thank you so much,

its a survey,

Alternative community service...?
Best is a pollution free atmosphere. Tree Plantation. In course of time, the trees wilol provide for themselves and others too. Good luck.

Animal Information Survey - Short Survey that won't take very much time, but answers will be much appreciated

Animal Information Survey

Please mark appropriately


____ Male____ Female


____ 6-18 yrs old ____ 19-40 yrs old ____ 41+ yrs old

Racial Background

____ African-American ____ Asian ____ Caucasian

____Hispanic ____ Native American ____ Pacific Islander

____ Other__________________

Your community is

____ Rural ____ Suburban ____ Urban

Please answer the following questions honestly and completely.

1. If you currently have a pet how did you obtain it? If you currently do not have a pet or you wanted get another one, where would you go to get one?

2. Do you think it is important that dogs and cats are spayed or neutered? Why or why not?

3. If there was a big change in your life such as moving or having a baby, what would you do with your pet(s)?

4. What is pet overpopulation?

5. How often should pets go to a veterinarian?

6. Where is your area shelter or humane society?

Animal Information Survey - Short Survey that won't take very much time, but answers will be much appreciated
sex: Female

Age 19-40

Race: White

Community: Rural

1. I have 4 cats and 1 dog - the cats I have had anywhere from 3 - 10 yrs and were all stray kittens that needed homes. The dog was bought from a breeder as a gift for my daughter and we've had him just under a year.

2. All of my pets are spayed or neutered; there are more strays out there than can be taken care of and I feel it is the responsible thing to do.

3. I have had my pets through changes such as moving and they are always included in the planning. They are a part of the family and not disposable.

4. Pet overpopulation is when pets are not spayed/neutered and there are more pets than good homes for them.

5. I take my pets yearly for shots/checkups. When you first get a new pet it will need to be seen more often to get up to date on shots and to be neutered/spayed at age 6months.

6. We have one in Calais and one in Milbridge.

age 32

mom of 3 human girls



1. 4 mo old black lab female. free from a breeder. she was the last one. and had a cash offer. but was not a good pet owner i was told. so instead they gave her to our family for free. she came from another state too.

2.. spay and neuter are important. too many animals need homes already.

3...if we had to move, then she would go with us.. my hubby said tho that he had a job offer back in his home country of Italy.. so if that happened, we would give her to family.. my sis in law live here, has an acre of land a one dog, they get along great...


5.. we went every 3 wks for shots, and just had our last.. for the year. and we had to go one other time....

but as long as they are healthy then once a year. maybe twice depending on the dog...

6.... only a few miles from home, it is also next to the clinic we go to..years ago it was all one building very small. now it is expanded, has the shelter on one end. the vet and hospital in the middle. and the adoption center at the other end.. this is also where the animal control for our area is located.....



19-40 yrs old

Racial Background


Your community is


Please answer the following questions honestly and completely.

1. If you currently have a pet how did you obtain it? If you currently do not have a pet or you wanted get another one, where would you go to get one?

Our dog we adopted from an animal shelter, the other assorted critters (mostly fish) came from the pet store I work at.

2. Do you think it is important that dogs and cats are spayed or neutered? Why or why not?

For the average household yes. If the owner is willing to control the dogs breeding, find good homes for the animals and put the time and money into puppies then that's for them to do.

3. If there was a big change in your life such as moving or having a baby, what would you do with your pet(s)?

I might take down a fish tank or two :) But all the fish would find good homes. Then again could I bare to part with my fish? probably not! lol

4. What is pet overpopulation?

There are more pets than there are good homes for them.

5. How often should pets go to a veterinarian?

Once a year, unless they're sick or injured.

6. Where is your area shelter or humane society?

There's two the city shelter (down town) and the humane society on Clear Creek rd.

2. 21


4. rural

1. a dog-from a shelter

two rabbits-from a shelter

fish-from a friend

four cats-from a shelter

2. of course i think its important!! it helps reduce pet overpopulation, keeps your pets healthy and happier.

3. keep them.. they are my first babies

4. pet ovrepopulation could be many things. like the massive amounts of animals that shelter have to kill because there are not enough homes. Stupid Breeders, exspecially irresponsible ones like byb, puupy mills, breeding to make money not to help the animals.

5. mine go ever 6-12 months

6. 15 min away.. i volunteer there!




1. Cats- adopted one from vet office and other from my brother

Dog- adopted from a family that had adopted his pregnany mother from a shelter

2. Cats and Dogs, unless being breed and able to find good homes, should be spayed and neutered. This helps cut down on unwanted litters and improves the health of the animal by eliminating some cancers.

3. My animals would be my animals still, nothing would change, the family would only increase

4. Pet overpopulation is an abunance of animals in which there are not enough homes for and that can not support themselves, thus leaving many homeless and left to die.

5. This depends, vets recommend once a year for healthy animals and twice a year for senior animals. I however only take my pets to the vet if I can not find out what is wrong with them or they need special attention ( I am training to be an animal care specialist). Also all shots are given by myself. Animals do need to be spayed and neutered by a vet.

6. Area shelter is about 7 minutes from my house but I don't like it. Humane society is not in our county so about 30-45 minutes away.



countryside in northern Ireland

1 i have 4 rescue cats and 1 rescue dog and 3 other dogs which we got from friends that are breeders. i also have a snake.

2 we have all our cats and dogs neutered. This is important to me as i believe that the world has too many unwanted animals and any more will leave more to be neglected.

3 If i were to move or have a baby my animals would always and i mean always come first.

4 not sure

5 mine go every year unless i think anything is wrong.

6 the USPCA in Northern Ireland


Just Curious Survey: Hypothetically speaking, would repeated boycotts of you cause you any significant concern


FYI This is a survey of the hypothetical kind. i.e., this is not happening to us.

As far as we know.

We have a total of zero online and realworld friends, so really there is no reason to show concern or offer advice to us directly.

That would be chatting.

Feel free to share your feelings about this with the community, though.

By all means.


Just Curious Survey: Hypothetically speaking, would repeated boycotts of you cause you any significant concern
LOl you said boycott! sorry its all in the mind,you had to be there,and as for the answer,im not overly concerned about anything,i live in Shrebee's world,and to those that know me,

they will tell you one thing and that "i am significant".
Reply:I'm confused. do you mean like if someone blocked me and refused to like involve themselves with me?

That would make me really sad, because I don't try to piss people off that much. I think it'll make most people sad.
Reply:People don't like me and I don't care.
Reply:"What? Again?" is my answer...
Reply:who is boycotting you?? i will smite them
Reply:I don't get paranoid anymore so I guess my answer is no

How can I get people to take my survey about online t-shirt design communities?

My friend is thinking about making an online design community kind of like threadless, but with extra copyright protection and royalties and stuff.

A research team at BYU made a survey for designers (and design appreciators) to take so he can figure out if it'll work.

He's giving away an Ipod to a lucky survey-taker, so there's a little more incentive for it.

The problem is that we are having a tough time getting "designers" to take the survey. Any suggestions?

Here's the link to survey::

It takes about 10 minutes to do.

How can I get people to take my survey about online t-shirt design communities?
I just tried to look at it , but my work must have it blocked. Maybe you could do it on Facebook or Myspace or something like that. Or a Blog site. I know they have tons of those.
Reply:I just took the survey! ;-)

Survey: What is worse than being suspended?

I am thinking maybe catching venereal warts from an ugly person, or perhaps forgetting to adjust your clocks for Daylight Savings Time.

Survey: What is your answer to my aforementioned completely legitimate question that is not in violation of the terms of service and community guidolines?

Survey: What is worse than being suspended?
getting suspended and leaving your friends behind to fend for themselves
Reply:I Foughts answer brings tears to my eyes. He really loves you. We all do. But I think I Fought wants gay sex. No no no. I'm kidding. His love is totally manly and genuine and pure. And so is mine minus the manly part. ( unless you're into that...weirdo )

When we going out again?



(I thought she was a pimp...)

What's worse than being suspended?


"Having to wear suspenders to the Prom, of course, and having your mother as your date..."

(That didn't happen to me, oh no no no no no no no no...)
Reply:finding out that your neighbour likes sheep more than they like you.

im going to need therapy and maybe a sandwich of some sort involving two or more people.
Reply:getting suspended 13 times, like me.
Reply:FYI - Guido has no lines - just curves.
Reply:getting kick out

SURVEY: How do you get someone to realize how dangerous you someone who reports your questions?

this is a threat, but also a question in accordance with yahoo's community guidelines

SURVEY: How do you get someone to realize how dangerous you someone who reports your questions?
Throw your bloody view finder at them.
Reply:This is how I do it....

After I get reported I use my other account and ask a leading question. A bad question. Then if no one reports it...I have the list of who it could be cut down. B/c only a certain number know my alternate account.

Then, I work on that info. If I know who did it...I pretty much make their Yahoo experience suck Yah-*** for a while.

And if I really hate them....well.....that's a different matter altogether. That's when I get sneaky..
Reply:Don't waste time warning them Tublet.

Just do what you have to do.

That's how they realize not a good idea to poke a sleeping lioness with a stick. Sooner or later..the lioness will wake up..and she is the hunter of the pride.
Reply:they probably don't realize your powers since you are all tied up like that, they think you are a sitting duck, only a tied up hanging upside down one.
Reply:I am under the impression that there are shiny things about.

If you really want to be intimidating, wear a monocle and sweater vest. Trust me.
Reply:I block the bit*ch.

I just blocked one over sensitive bit*ch today.
Reply:how dangerous are you?

Reply:I think you should show them your Viewmaster of pain.

I love you more than pudding, and this question has me scared

(that 1thousand is a bad @ss...sweet!)
Reply:Do what they did to you back at them. You have a lot of friends, we can all band together and go after this childish cur
Reply:If you figure it out Sweetie let me know the secret as well....

Mine are making me batty...

Reply:Severed toes in the mail... Just not your own. Preferably a hobo's.
Reply:Make them an offer they can't refuse. :)
Reply:sorry i got distracted by the shiny things
Reply:You report me?

Wait Blond moment....

I still don't understand- I fear you but in a sexy non-romantic way...
Reply:no one is scared of me ... got your ho's backing you up.
Reply:i like shiny things.

You don't scare anybody, we know you're all talk and a badge.

train horns

Summarize evaluation reports of a community-oriented policing program or effort.?

Working with the assumption that you have been hired as consultants to implement and evaluate a community policing effort for a fictitious mid-sized municipal police agency. Here is the article: 6 Bringing Victims into Community Policing

prevention" is something that police organizations tend to

do at a community or group level. Victim service

organizations are often hesitant to focus on crime

prevention because they are usually focused exclusively on

the aftermath of crime. However, victim service

organizations, especially those working on domestic

violence and stalking, often assist individual victims with

"safety planning" to develop strategies to maximize the

victim's safety. Collaborative efforts using both these

approaches could prove to be very effective.

In summary, our overall project has reinforced for us the

importance of closer collaboration between crime victims,

crime victim organizations, and the police. It is time to bring

the victim into community policing.

Our work shows that community policing can be greatly

enhanced by working to prevent repeat victimization and

building collaborative problem solving relationships with

victims and victim organizations. The information and tools

included in this package are a distillation of all that we have

learned over the last 18 months about the relationship

between police and crime victims. We hope that these

materials will help police organizations enhance the practice

of community policing by building stronger problem solving

relationships with crime victims and the organizations that

serve them.The Promise of Preventing Repeat Victimization

A fundamental tenet of community policing holds that police

should work with community-based partners to solve

problems. The most difficult aspect of problem solving is the

identification and effective analysis of problems. Police

organizations use an array of macro-level tactics to identify

and analyze crime problems. Data are collected, crime maps

are analyzed, patrol officers are surveyed, and community

organizations are consulted. This approach depends on a high

level of resources and tends to only identify problems once

they have become big enough to draw police attention.

In contrast, identifying and preventing repeat victimization is

problem solving that starts at the micro level. Because repeat

victimization affects individual people and targets, effective

problem solving begins at an individual level and moves to

larger groups when appropriate.

To fully understand the nature of repeat victimization and

develop effective responses, law enforcement agencies must

capitalize on non-traditional as well as traditional sources of

information. It's essential, for example, to look beyond arrest

data and calls for service and consider residential, business

and environmental surveys, victim and offender interviews,

mapping/GIS data, and social services data. The next task is

to analyze this data.

Thorough data analysis can yield surprising information about

underlying causes, illuminating problems and pointing the way

to solutions. Only through sound analysis can the detailed

picture needed to fashion effective responses emerge. Without

it, opportunities to develop alternative, non-traditional

responses are likely to be missed and strategies to prevent

repeat victimization are likely to fail.

One final point. Effective first response is vital to address the

problem of repeat victimization. But, it can also reduce

reliance on resource-intensive problem identification methods,

enabling the early resolution of crime problems.

Implications of a Policy to Prevent Repeat


This policy creates an approach to preventing repeat

victimization that focuses on victim safety and strengthens the

foundation of community policing: partnering and problem

solving. Creating an organizational focus on preventing repeat

victimization of individuals will affect many principles

governing police operations.

Summarize evaluation reports of a community-oriented policing program or effort.?

Compare Ideal COPAR or Community Organizing Participatory Action Research against practiced COPAR?

1. time frame and mode of exposure

2. methodology and survey form

3. number of recipient

4. organization building phase

5. problem statement

6. implementation

7. evaluation

i hope i can have some answers in my assignment until tomorrow January 15, 2008

for the late seekers.,

u may also answer it..

Compare Ideal COPAR or Community Organizing Participatory Action Research against practiced COPAR?
here is a link for you, you may got some ideas from it, good luck!

Survey of Climatologists on Global Warming?

Does anyone know of a credible survey (preferably with results online) of climatologists asking their opinion on global warming. Those who believe it's happening say that the vast majority of the scientific community believe that it's happening and that man is the primary cause. Those that say it's not happening say there's no concensus among scientists.

Survey of Climatologists on Global Warming?
Not really a survey, but the following link might help since it totally debunks an oft cited 'survey'.
Reply:Global warming is not a myth, it is real. There are no questions about it. Trust me, I'm taking geoscience in HS. Anybody who says it isnt real is faking it or being an idiot, or doesn't want to scare ne1. It's real, and it's happening
Reply:Hi, I am a meteorologist. Perhaps asking you to trust my authority is not the way to go, but imagine this. Imagine if someone told you, "Scientists don't have a consensus about whether or not gravity holds people onto Earth." That's how I feel hearing your question.

Who told you this B.S. about no consensus? I'll bet they can't even tell you how they "know" about a lack of consensus! The only *credible* big-name scientist who I ever heard of who also knocked global warming (a guy name Lindzen) was funded by Big Oil. Of course, funding analysis brings almost any scientist's motivation into question, so that's not the strongest argument. Still, my point being, the consensus about mankind-driven global warming is nearly unanimous when it comes to physicists/meteorologists/climatologists... However, there is debate about how bad the results will be, and some dissemblers (ie, liars) claim this is as a lack of consensus. Yes, there is always a possibility that non-linear effects can temporarily shift the climate into a colder state. However, the fundamentals go this way... More CO2 means more infrared radiation (read this as "heat") will be absorbed by the atmosphere (and more will also be emitted towards the Earth by the atmosphere). Do you trust "clever" arguments that explain how Earth's atmosphere can turn *colder* when more energy goes into it?! Also, ALL such clever arguments become very weak when you ask - what happens over the long run? Think - if the atmosphere and Earth are both going to be absorbing MORE infrared (heat) radiation. These entities will then begin to warm up -- until their higher temperatures cause them to be re-radiating enough energy to compensate for the extra energy they had begun to absorb. Yes, equilibrium can be reached. But the equilibrium REQUIRES an increase in temperature. Why would anyone expect more radiative heat to cool the Earth? Aaah, it's late, I'm rushing, I digress, I'm frustrated. Too many dissemblers on this planet - may you succeed in your quest for the truth.

- A frustrated meteorologist

Have to conduct a survey with these questions for school? DUE SOON!!!!!!!?

II have to conduct a survey with these questions for school. I know it's long but I would really appreciate the help!

What are the qualities of a good friend? What do you want and need from a friend? What are you willing to give a friend? Write at least five qualities.

What are the qualities of a good neighbor? How is being a good friend related to being a good neighbor? Is there a relationship between the two? Explain your answer.

ow does being a good neighbor relate to being a good citizen? Is it possible to obey all the laws but still not be a responsible citizen? Is it possible to break the law but still be a good citizen? Don’t just answer “yes” or “no.” Explain your answers.

What are the qualities of a good citizen? In your response, consider how good citizenship is expressed in all eight of these areas: family, laws, religion, education, environment, local community, humankind and government.

Have to conduct a survey with these questions for school? DUE SOON!!!!!!!?
Being respectful is a good quality of a person, a friend, a neighbor and a citizen. Most of all, learning to respect yourself first and foremost will reflect on how you go about your life, how you treat others and how you want to be treated.

How do i get rid of this computer virus?

Does anybody know about surveys? because I really need help with my survey.?

I need survey busines groups, churches, organizations, senior citzens, and ect in my community about how they view our school district. Also what value do they derive from supporting the school district.

I don't know what questions to ask.

What questions should i ask on my survey????

Does anybody know about surveys? because I really need help with my survey.?
Good questions would be.

What do you like about our school district?

What are your dislikes about the school district?

What could we do to improve it?

Do you have any personal experinces with the school district? If so was it a good or bad experince.

This would be a good start!

Just Curious Survey: What is the longest acronym you have ever seen

For us it's:


Yahoo community policy prevents us from spelling that one out. If you really want to know email us.


Just Curious Survey: What is the longest acronym you have ever seen
Reply:haha thanks. Report Abuse

Reply:ADCOMSUBORDCOMPHIBSPAC: Administrative Command, Amphibious Forces, Pacific Fleet Subordinate Command

PDFORRA: Permanent Defence Forces Other Ranks Representative Association

NIIOMTPLABOPARMBETZHELBETRABSBOMON IMONKONOTDTEKHSTROMONT: The laboratory for shuttering, reinforcement, concrete and ferroconcrete operations for composite-monolithic and monolithic constructions of the Department of the Technology of Building-assembly operations of the Scientific Research Institute of the Organization for building mechanization and technical aid of the Academy of Building and Architecture of the USSR
Reply:14 inches. It was a movie from the late 70's. The guy is dead now.

%26lt;--- what's an acronym?
Reply:for me its DCAPBTLS
Reply:ROFLMAO, I don't feel like typing a longer one, its too much work

Survey for school teachers only about changing Aussie communities.?

thank you...

yay! geography survey about changing communities!!!

please no "yes/no" answers.

1. what subject do you teach?

2. do you have your own children

3. do you think that having children would influence the way you teach/dicipline your class?

4. what school or area do you teach in?

5. how has the general behaviour and manners of students changed since you began teaching?

6. has/how has the internet contributed to this in a good/bad way?

thank you soooo much. greatly appriciated.

Survey for school teachers only about changing Aussie communities.?
I'm a senior student teacher

1. LOTE (french), English

2. no

3. Probably, I guess I would be more attuned to what kind of discipline works well. Rather than a hit/miss approach to discipline.

4. Metro melbourne

5. I've found the biggest change in manners has to do with school demographics, the richer private school students have so far fitted all the sterotypes of spoilt little rich kids, but are more responsive to discipline than the poorer demographic areas where they are more bratty (for lack of a better word) - very bart simpson-esk

6. internet has been good and bad. great tool for different learning styles and finding information fast, but also opens the door for procrastination, cyber bullying etc.

Non-profit community Theater Membership Drive/Gala - Who to Invite?

We're planning our annual membership gala and I need suggestions on VIP's who need to be on the invite list. I've already got the City Council members, the Mayor and superintendants of the surrounding school districts, current members and those who have indicated on surveys they'd consider membership.

I just feel like I'm missing something. Please help!

Non-profit community Theater Membership Drive/Gala - Who to Invite?
Well that is teh $10,000 question. Check you rpast donor lists, look for major gift givers from the past, these people should be wooed as much as anyone else. Invite powerful families in your community, I have found that often the children of comapny owners are often really good to develope as future board members, and donors. Friends of the Theatre, old members who may not have a lot of money, but are strong supporters, they are your best advertising. Potential sponsors, bank presidents, shop owners, etc. Your Vendors, you spend a lot of moany to them every year, they will realize this and most will also understand that by supportiung the theatre they are in essence investing in thier customer base. Chamber of commerce, these are business peope in the community that if they are up on current economic development theories will want to support local arts and cultural groups. Finally your volunteers, these people are the most important group for most community theatres, and many of them will have the money and connections you will need to support the theatre.

If your admission prices are reasonable some general publicity to the general public may not be a bad idea, you may find new supporters?

Good luck
Reply:Do you have any adult entertainment businesses in your community... you know... live adult entertainment? You could invite a couple of exotic dancers... they really know how to liven up an event... often they do so simply by entering a room.
Reply:Journalists..from the town newspaper. Every good gala needs press and reviews.
Reply:depending on how large your area is, even local business owners.. perhaps those that advertise in your programs (if you have advertisers in your programs)

loops beats

How Many people have you had SEX with?...SURVEY!!!?

I just wanted to have a survey on the yahoo community for a school project to see the relationship with when someone was born and how many sexual partners they had...please be honest...include the year of your birth and the number of sexual partners you have had...Thank you very much!

How Many people have you had SEX with?...SURVEY!!!?
Come on people, be honest. I was born in 1985 and I've had 9 partners
Reply:YOB=1980, 8 partners.
Reply:'88 and none.
Reply:1994 and 2 partners
Reply:I was born in 1983 and have had 1 sexual partner. my husband. we got married 7 mths ago.

i have no reason to lie. because i didn't sex my life away that doesn't mean that my answer is false.

to all who gave thumbs dwn. u know what to do with it. then add one to your list
Reply:I was born in 1991

I have had no sex partners............ My only partner will be my hubby when we get hitched............. :)
Reply:i was born in 1985 and only had 1 sexual partner. he is now my husband. been together for 8 years now.
Reply:1989 and only one partner for me.
Reply:1957 just 1 partner, my wife of 25 years
Reply:I was born in 1989, and I've had 3 sexual partners.

=) good luck with your project!

16 men

Okay, why did I get a thumbs down? I think it's really good that I can be 14 not have had sex. Because these days children are just "doing it" pretty much everywhere and they're getting STDs and the likes.
Reply:i was born in 1989 and have had one sexual partner for nearly 3.5 years!! woop!
Reply:1991 just one we have been together for 2years and are still going.
Reply:1993-1 person
Reply:1965, Just with my wife.

What makes a Poll and Survey question acceptable versus unacceptable?

Lots of the questions here are nonsequitors, goofing around, etc. I'm fine with that. I just got a violation of community guidelines for mine ("Aren't you ashamed of yourself?"

Just wondering, not that bitter.

What makes a Poll and Survey question acceptable versus unacceptable?
i've posted similar ones to that and gotten violated (i've actually thought of posting that! now i guess i know i can't!) i'm not exactly how to classify them, but mine have always been stuff along that line too ("well, it finally happened, and i have to say i expected it") was my last offender. does that kind of give you an idea?
Reply:im also wondering about that too...

What is your stand regarding the current issue involving ABS-CBN, GMA and AGB Nielsen?

AGB nielsen philippines is the company that provides the primary survey ratings in the country. Recently, it has been sued by ABS-CBN for allegedly releasing ratings that are said to be "questionable" because an alleged informant came to ABS-CBN declaring that there is another network that pays the surveyed community to just tune in to one station. In turn, ABS-CBN filed a suit against AGB and recent reports claim that GMA was the "other" station that funded this said riggings in the TV ratings.

What is your stand regarding the current issue involving ABS-CBN, GMA and AGB Nielsen?
I guess that we will just have to wait until the case is heard in court, to find out just how much is truth, and how much is fancy.
Reply:abs-cbn is lying and trying very hard to put down gma coz they know gma ratings is higher than theirs!!

Am I A Familiar Face To The Polls & Surveys Community?

I've been here for a while, actually. Just want to see how many people recognize me :)

Am I A Familiar Face To The Polls %26amp; Surveys Community?
I recognize you .......aren't you Judas Rabbi's wife? ....... lol ...... my sweet Metallica Lovin Master of Puppets ....... = )
Reply:Ah yes, but not nearly familiar enough, my lovely lass! ;)
Reply:Yes...I seen you around quite a few times....

Wait,,I been having you as a contact for 6 mths...I thought I knew you...HaHa
Reply:Nope...sorry...this is my 1st time seeing you. Nice seeing you....
Reply:nope but nice to meet you...

used shoes

If Yahoo is so concerned with chatting in the community, why is there a Polls & Surveys category?

Isn't every question in the Polls %26amp; Surveys category "chatting"? Why does Yahoo have this category? It has never made sense to me. Can someone explain it to me?

If Yahoo is so concerned with chatting in the community, why is there a Polls %26amp; Surveys category?
They set that up especially to give the 'chatters' somewhere reasonably safe to hang out. Even there, chatting violations have been known to happen, which is why questions there have to at least seem to taking a poll. Check out the "Seniors" area as well -- seems to be a place where they are more lax about reporting chatting, also.
Reply:Polls %26amp; Surveys is among the top 4 areas of Q%26amp;A known for abuse, primarily because of lack of understanding of the Guidelines. Many users see other members post content that violates the guidelines and gets a false sence of security thinking "if they done it, so can I" mentality until the violation report comes in.

Chatting is probably the biggest issue because members think their way is ok and the Yahoo way is too restrictive and totally two seperate notions of what Q%26amp;A is to be used for.

If you stop and think before hitting the submit button, is my question going to ask for a specific reason which everyone can be seen as a truly knowledge seeking %26amp; worthy question; or is my answer going to directly answer the question to help the member asking, then the violations will stop.

And to make matters worse, if a question is clearly chat, so are the answers and they too can be reported as such. Not my rules, but we all have to follow them.
Reply:Legitimate Polls and Surveys are sometimes asked in P/S, but over time, chatting just took over. There is considerable debate on whether or not to do away with this category. They've already removed TC badges.
Reply:that should be the most hits for violations.

polls and surveys are not chatting, when used properly.

a survey would be like multiple choice questions.

polls would be pre-set selections a little different than multiple choice. but allowing the answerer to share their view points to their answers.

so almost ALL that are entered under that category fail the criteria.

A survey: How many people in P&S is a carer (caregiver) to someone.who is frail, aged, or has a disability?

I am not talking about if you are a mother of a deaf child who can do eveything by himself. I am interested in those who is a carer of someone who needs regular, considerable assistance to function on a day to day basis in the normal community.

(But I am sure I will get nasty coments anyway... as to "define what is a carer". I am NOT going into a debate. Answer nicely or get reported)

A survey: How many people in P%26amp;S is a carer (caregiver) to someone.who is frail, aged, or has a disability?
I was a home health attendant for 3 years. I did all the things that need to be done for them such as bathing, feeding, cooking etc.. Then when my Mother had a couple of strokes and then Cancer, I took care of her til she passed away a few years ago. I now look after my Mentally/Physically handicapped Brother. He lives on his own but there are certain things he needs help with. SMILE
Reply:I work for elderly people with Alzheimer's disease or dementia in an assisted living facility. feel free to email me if you have any questions! :)
Reply:Not me.
Reply:My wife cares for a young lady with Down's Syndrome for up to 16 hours per day. The young lady is pretty functional, considering, but needs help with many simple tasks, like bathing.
Reply:I was a nurse aid in a nursing home %26amp; loved my job. Unfortunately I ended up messing up my back from all the heavy lifting %26amp; can no longer do that. I can honestly say I miss it and the satisfaction I felt by helping all the elderly residents. It was hard work, but very heart %26amp; mind rewarding.

I now take care of my Uncle in my home that has a severe mental illness.
Reply:This is what I do as a job, on a daily basis I assist elderly patients in their own homes, some with disabilities because of war injuries, ie loss of limbs or blindness and some from natural causes. I find this type of work very rewarding, especially as I can help people keep some sort of Independence.
Reply:I used to be a Home Health Aide,now i just take care of myself %26amp; a little puppy.(I took care of older people that still wanted to live in their own home ,instead of a nursing home)Have a good night.
Reply:I don't usually answer questions where people threaten me, when people do that they are not really interested in the answers they get, they just want someone to validate what they think.Answer to your question, I am a career care giver.
Reply:I try to be.
Reply:occasionally at the school I'm called in to assist with a couple of kiddies,some need help with feeding and toilet/hygiene as well as i help in the classroom activities and excursions,depends on how many kids are going out,depends on the ratio of adult carers. cheers :)
Reply:i'm not a carer for anyone, just trapped in my room with nothing more to do besides answering questions..........

Survey: How important is internet popularity to you?

meaning your popularity in an internet community...

Or are you just here for fun and popularity is just a perk?

Survey: How important is internet popularity to you?
I'm just here for the $hits and giggles...
Reply:I found this P%26amp;S community to be the best Internet experience I've ever had. Like Papa McCain and Nurse Susie and Girl From Ipanema said, it's not about the popularity. It's the postive responses that are the most enjoyable, and the friendships are wonderful, and the time together is a real energy boost after an otherwise hard day.

Thanks for this great Friday Night question.
Reply:I don't care if I'm popular, I just enjoy making people laugh. It makes my day when I get an email from someone that says "I was having a really crappy day, but your comment made me laugh, thank you". It feels so good to know that through a gazillion electrons you've cheered someone up a little. That is what makes this all worth while for me. I love my contacts, they are all very special people, but if I had no contacts at all I would still be doing my best to bring a little joy into people's lives. That to me is fun.
Reply:i never thought about it before, but i didnt think that popularity was important before. but now that you have pointed it out, i want everyone on here to notice and like me. so i guess it is kinda important.


but i just love having "friends" from everywhere.
Reply:Well my case is interesting. I got on here to have fun at first. Then, I got obsessed with the points. In the mean time, I starting with the frequent wig changes and now I'm into frequent hat changes. Without these, I'd be nothing on here.
Reply:Gee... I'm here to provide informative and comprehensive answers to serious questions.... Isn't everybody?

If I'm ever popular, I'll let you know how important it is to me... but for now, I'm just here to give and recieve chuckles!
Reply:I could careless about popularity, there are plenty in the cyber world that don't like me. Screw them, I don't need them.. I am here to have a little fun and associate with the people that make me laugh.
Reply:I'm here for fun..I don't think that I am popular, or do I really care to be.

I have just been lucky to find some people with a similar sense of humor that makes me come back for more.

the perks are making some great friends along the way
Reply:Internet popu what? I had no idea there was such a thing. Well if it is real, I could care less, but I don't know how. I am just here for entertainment and to check out strange stuff.
Reply:Yeah ha ha fizzy really must be up there in the popularity stakes.But seriously I think this is a good community as a whole you can get some far out opinions here and may I add very diverse.
Reply:Oh sure. Clarify to head off my smartaced "I don't care how popular the internet is" comment...

I just came for watermelon eating contest ;)
Reply:hi sugar! i just want popularity from YOU! that's why i'm here! ;)
Reply:Just to have fun there are a few the I like to follow a little closer than others, but mostly for fun.
Reply:About as important as ice is to eskimos.
Reply:Not important at all. I'm here just for fun, and most other people here are just pixels on a screen to me.
Reply:not very...I liked to be liked of course, everyone does

but I dont strive for it...sometimes its kinda funny being hated too
Reply:Just like in real life....

popularity is not as important to me as....

my friends...


that is what brings me back here......

time and time again...

Reply:not important at all. here for fun. buuuuuuuut, if i was popular that would be like so totally awesome! haha;-)
Reply:Lmao,thuth is i never thought about being popular on the internet (or in real life)..I just try to have fun with my friends.. :)
Reply:Hi not very i mean we all need to be liked I come on to have fun and raise a smile If I can
Reply:man ...i'm here for the fun...if people remember me and like the "internet" me.....that's cool too....♣
Reply:I'm just here for the fun %26amp; perky people........

It doesn't hurt if they like you as well though. But I don't need to be popular.
Reply:What Porkchop said.

Fun was the initial attraction (something to keep my mind occupied) and then..I found a few very good friends.
Reply:here to unwind, de-stress and have fun...don't want/need the popular vote.
Reply:Being known has its moments....just ask Uma Thurman.
Reply:None since I learned that it's here today, forgotten tomorrow. That's so true too.
Reply:I take all the attention I can get. Good attention that is.
Reply:I'm here for fun, but if you make some friends along the way, that's even better!
Reply:I'm just here for fun. I'm here to play not be serious.
Reply:I'm here for fun....I don't care if I'm popular or not!
Reply:I'm obviously not here for the popularity as I wear a nobody can tell it's me.....lmao!

Isn't it interesting that Yahoo Answers has become a community?

What ought to be, on the face of it, a simple question and answer service has turned into an old-fashioned internet 'group' (the youngsters who populate the 'polls and surveys' section testify to this).

Here's my real question: is it the case that any service which allows people to communicate on the internet will inevitably and inexorably turn into a 'community'?

Isn't it interesting that Yahoo Answers has become a community?
Reply:Originally, it was a real community, but the massive influx of people have taken the sleepy hamlet and turned it into a bedroom community, bordering on a major metro center
Reply:Kinda in a way.....

used shoes

Like to suggest online communities of your interest? See survey at

Some of our friends are working on an online community they are planning to launch in late summer for members to exchange information about their interests and services they need in day-to-day life with trusted peers using interactive tools.

Please see if you can forward it your friends and family.

It provides guided search for highly relevant information %26amp; service providers, infrastructure for sharing feedback on the relevance of information and quality of service delivered. Memebers will have incentives for sharing information and ability to play the role of service provider without investing a lot in the infrastructure.

Will you be interested in such an online community that includes interest groups related to childcare in the area?

If yes, then please fill in a quick survey at to help them design the community that better meets your needs.

Like to suggest online communities of your interest? See survey at
Don't know how much success this is going to have (depends on the money, really), but I think there aren't too many sites of this nature out there (in the BIG LEAGUES so to speak), so... maybe.

Do you feel there is a stigma associated with going to a community college as opposed to a four-year school?

I'm doing a survey for a class I'm taking so I would appreciate your honest input.

Do you feel there is a stigma associated with going to a community college as opposed to a four-year school?
Unfortunatly there is. Right out of high school, I went to a 4 year university and did poorly because I was not sure what I wanted to major in or what direction I wanted to go. All I knew (or least I thought I knew) was that I did not want to go to 2 year community college because that's where all the kids who got bad grades went. Looking back, I was being stupid and I would have save a lot of time and money if I had gone to a 2 year college to begin with. The education at many 2 year colleges are excellent, especially if you're just getting pre-requisets out of the way.
Reply:only if you think so.

most of the CEOs of large companies, like Walmart for one, did not graduate from Ivy League schools. So how did they get where they are. By thinking about the stigma they have or by doing their thing?

Do what you have to to get the education you need. Hell, Bill Gates dropped out of school. He had to settle for an honorary degree - 'course he gave the college more money than God.
Reply:I've known people who look down upon others that go to a community college because they assume they're not smart enough to go to a 4-year college/university which is just not true. I had a friend who went (had great gradeS) because she didn't want to jump into such a heavy course load with universities. The benefits of going to a community college is that people save money and can also build their GPAs. Also some people who do really bad on the SATs go to a community college first and then can transfer whereever they want because they have the grades.
Reply:I don't feel there is stigma.

From my own experience, I was accepted to go to Stanford and USF but skipped because I could not afford them.

I took classes at local community colleges and in two years,

was able to transfer to Stanford.

I'm on my way on getting my Master's at NYU Fall 2008.
Reply:It all depends on what kind of college experience you would like. As far as being educated, a community college is just as effeceint as a university. In fact, a community college has less students per professor, so it is easier to get one-on-one help directly from your professor. I attend community colleges as long as they have the program of study that I am interested in, because they are also a lot cheaper. Save money and get the same education... who wouldn't prefer a community college? Although, some people would rather go to a university for a "real" college experience, a partying atmosphere, and/or to meet people. So, it just depends on what the student really wants from his/her college.

Me and my friends are doing a survey for school. It wont take long to answer?

Do you think graffiti is a problem in schools?

Do you think graffiti is a problem in the community?

Have you ever done graffiti?

Do you think that vandalism is a problem in schools?

Do you think that it would be better to cover up the graffiti or just leave it?

What are some reasons that may make you be tempted to do graffiti?

Do you think school are doing enough to stop graffiti?

Do you think that schools would benifit with less graffiti?

Me and my friends are doing a survey for school. It wont take long to answer?
It would help you to number your questions, but i'll go with it....

Yes, In many schools it is, but to solve the problem, try to boost school spirit; with pride in your school, you can't destroy or dishonor it.

Yes, graffiti is a problem in the community, and it is very hard to control, you cannot have police officers assigned to make sure that tresspassers do not deface train cars, where would our tax dollars be then.

Depends, writing little notes about the teacher and their sexual preferences on the desk in high school, yes, spray paint on someone else's property, no.

Yes, solution may be same as above.

You would cover up the graffiti, but it would come back, human nature is to supress the people if you are the man, and vice versa with "fight the power"

You may be tempted to do graffiti because of gang status, but many just do it for the shock factor.

Schools in our area do not have large problems with graffiti, I really would not know, sorry.

Most definitely they would benefit with less graffiti, students would have more pride in their school, preventing it, never ending cycle of good,(bound to never happen, however), but it would make learning easier and more fun.
Reply:1. yes

2. yes

3. NO!

4. yes

5. If the "graffiti" is beautifully done and could be considered artwork then no. But if it purely to mark territory or to say "I wuz heres" then yes.

6. There aren't any.

7. no

8. yes




cover up

stress, peer pressure






cover up



Reply:First of all, you should say "My friends and I..." One never puts himself first in a sentence!

In answer to your questions: not at my school; not in my local community; no, I haven't; vandalism can be a problem in districts where the children aren't serious about education; it has to be covered - the messages aren't fit for children at school to read., usually; no reason would tempt me - it's vandalism and that's illegal; I personally know of NO school that has a problem with graffiti and can see no benefit to it at all.
Reply:first of all you have to say "my friends and i" and never put yourself first





cover up

peer pressure



p.s.hi jordan!!!
Reply:Yes graffiti is a problem in the school

Yes graffiti is a problem in the community

Yes, I have

Yes vandalism is a problem, and by it's very nature graffiti is vandalism

Covering the graffiti is better - especially if you have the kids that do it cover it

No - schools are at a loss

Yes, a cleaner school provides a safer environment that a person can be proud of.
Reply:Yes, Yes, No, Yes, Encourage people to create works of art instead - doesn't have to be covered, Not tempted to do it, No, Only financially - if students are taught how to do it RIGHT then the campuses could be much nicer looking and creativity would be encouraged.
Reply:yes,yes,yes,yes,cover up,??, no, yes




cover it up.

no reason.






cover up (maybe someday the local thug will get tired of painting his name)

bored (too much time on my hands and easy access to spray paints and such)

probably not (I've been out of school for a while, so I don't know how things are being handled now days)

of course they would benefit from less graffiti (makes the school look nice and not like a piece of trash).




Leave it.

Public artistic expression.






Cover it up







Paint over.

Not a clue



I also agree with madame94.
Reply:well, depends what kind of grafitit, if its just plane swearing and hate then its stipud, but when its beautiful walls with likea mile of drawings its sso pretty, i love those kind

What are the community health services offered in your barangay?

this is for my report on barangay survey 2007 for sept;

What are the community health services offered in your barangay?
free medicine for senior citizens up to a certain amount per month.

free dental cleaning and tooth extraction.

free check up

free condoms

free papsmear for women

many many more

used shoes

Survey: If you could not install a solar panel on your house would you buy shares in a solar energy co-op?

In a number of communities the home owner associations don't allow solar panels on roofs because they think they blight the neighborhood. Other people live in apartments and can't have solar panels.

In addition would being able to use government tax credits, be an additional incentive to invest in a solar co-op?

Survey: If you could not install a solar panel on your house would you buy shares in a solar energy co-op?
If I was already committed to the idea of using solar to power my house then sure I would join a collective. I might even go that route anyway since that way you avoid doing the maintenance on the system yourself. That's worth $ to me to not have the hassle.

If you REALLY want them on your house get elected to the Board for your local community and change the CCR's so that solar panels are allowed. You just need to convince enough people it's a good idea. Democracy in action!

Tax credits for solar always make it more attractive, whether they be for the individual, the co-op or a major energy company.
Reply:I would buy crude oil shares because it's profitable =)
Reply:the big thing here in Texas,is wind generators

How does the gay community view itself in society vs. how others around them view it?

I'm an rn working on my masters as a nurse practitioner and am interested in research and publishing. I'm interested in conducting surveys and funding research projects eventually. I think the question is relevant to the study on the argument of the origin of homosexuality. I have a personal interest in this subject partially because I married into a Christian family and my big brother is gay. Nuff said.

How does the gay community view itself in society vs. how others around them view it?
How does one's self view vs societal view have anything to do with the origin of homosexuality? As stated above, there is no single viewpoint that binds the GLBT "community". Heteros do not lump themselves with ALL straight people and call themselves the "straight community". The reason for this is because every human is an individual. The only thing I have in common with the GLBT "community" is my sexuality. Just like you, I identify with others who share my interests and are interesting to be around. I think you can find a tremendous amount of information about how some Americans in society view homosexuality, just as you can about some in European society. However, no matter where you gather your information, it is not a single viewpoint. therefore I cannot tell you how other GLBT people view themselves, only what I know from my own experience.

On the "argument of the origin of homosexuality", it would be wise to seek scientific reports and journals in order to find conclusive evidence of a scientific origin vs using opinions, which are as varied as the number of people who respond. Many religions, as yoy may be aware are scurrilous in how they define and treat homosexuality. However, Psychiatrists, psychologists and physicians have a consensus that being gay is a variation of healthy sexualty. To quote "empirical evidence and professional norms do not support the idea that homosexuality is a form of mental illness or is inherently linked to psychopathology"(source). I would focus my researh either on opinions of homosexuality or on scientific data that underscores conclusive evidence on its suspected origins.
Reply:First things first. There is no "gay community." There are gay men, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people, just as there are heterosexual people. To lump every GLBT person into one group and suggest there is one common worldview would only give you faulty research. That's like me saying all heterosexuals view the GLBT population in the same way.

Your question can have no factual or honest answer because it requires generalization and prejudice to answer either part of it.

I'd look idiotic if I assumed every gay man, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered person thought the same way. And I'd look equally idiotic if I thought every heterosexual thought the same way.

About the only thing safe to assume is that many GLBT people are very self-accepting and others are not. But the same can be said of heterosexuals, too.

I don't get how this relates to any "argument of the origin of homosexuality." Huh? What argument?

Two homosexuals met, got aroused, got together and that was it.

That aside...I will tell you my own personal perception of things. I think that most homosexuals have been taught and trained to feel as though we are "less than" our heterosexual counterparts simply because there are far more of you than there are of us. But I also believe that if you look at history, it's clear that heterosexuals are responsible for most of the suffering this world has ever seen.

I think heterosexuals are the ones who need help...not us.
Reply:Hmm... I don't know that we're supposed to "feel" anything.

In fact, the only time I "notice" that I'm bisexual is when someone implies that it's wrong. If people would just stop trying to tell me to whom I can and cannot be attracted, there wouldn't be such a division in our society.

Honestly, we just want to live a life of love and kindness.
Reply:The origin ? The other night while watching pbs television it talked about the brain of a man homosexual being wired like a womans brain. It was very interesting.