Monday, May 11, 2009

Non-profit community Theater Membership Drive/Gala - Who to Invite?

We're planning our annual membership gala and I need suggestions on VIP's who need to be on the invite list. I've already got the City Council members, the Mayor and superintendants of the surrounding school districts, current members and those who have indicated on surveys they'd consider membership.

I just feel like I'm missing something. Please help!

Non-profit community Theater Membership Drive/Gala - Who to Invite?
Well that is teh $10,000 question. Check you rpast donor lists, look for major gift givers from the past, these people should be wooed as much as anyone else. Invite powerful families in your community, I have found that often the children of comapny owners are often really good to develope as future board members, and donors. Friends of the Theatre, old members who may not have a lot of money, but are strong supporters, they are your best advertising. Potential sponsors, bank presidents, shop owners, etc. Your Vendors, you spend a lot of moany to them every year, they will realize this and most will also understand that by supportiung the theatre they are in essence investing in thier customer base. Chamber of commerce, these are business peope in the community that if they are up on current economic development theories will want to support local arts and cultural groups. Finally your volunteers, these people are the most important group for most community theatres, and many of them will have the money and connections you will need to support the theatre.

If your admission prices are reasonable some general publicity to the general public may not be a bad idea, you may find new supporters?

Good luck
Reply:Do you have any adult entertainment businesses in your community... you know... live adult entertainment? You could invite a couple of exotic dancers... they really know how to liven up an event... often they do so simply by entering a room.
Reply:Journalists..from the town newspaper. Every good gala needs press and reviews.
Reply:depending on how large your area is, even local business owners.. perhaps those that advertise in your programs (if you have advertisers in your programs)

loops beats

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