Monday, May 11, 2009

Shouldn't the community ghuidelines be loosened in the polls and surveys category?

This category is home to many fun exciting and special Questions.Unfourtunatly the people providing those Q's are more and more faced with vilolation notices for chatting.To that extend an Idol of mine even decided to stop Q%26amp;Aing.Also a former friend,you know who you are,LOL,who's questions get better every day and who's very popular and brings fun and excitement on these boards is faced with this problem.What can we do to make it clear to yahoo?Chatting is very wrong in other categories but come on.Making people smile and feel good should be allowed.P and S should keep its character.I love to go there when i need relaxation from the political hardball.

How can we convince Yahoo?

Shouldn't the community ghuidelines be loosened in the polls and surveys category?
the guidelines should be less strict with polls and surveys. i mean it is true that ppl come to this category for fun. but you have the no-lifers who go reporting people for the heck of it if they break the smallest violation code. what's the purpose for this site anyway if you can't have fun. all we can do is probably send emails to the yahoo answers team for suggestions who will probably not even read our emails anyway.
Reply:No, In all catagories, not just this one. Also they could use a 'just fun catagorie' with subs like 'on drugs', 'on the run', 'bunnies', ect... like another site i know of. D
Reply:im with you all the way, but i dont know if we could
Reply:I think Yahoo has to do something when someone reports a violation. Not sure who would do such a thing, but hey, it happens.
Reply:I agree. This is a category (unlike, for example, "Pregnancy and Parenting") where people are not really looking for serious answers to serious questions. It is more for fun.

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