Monday, May 24, 2010

After the Attacks in the West End and Glasgow Airport; Are Muslims in Britain Still in a State of Denial?

Last month Channel 4 News commissioned an NOP survey into the Muslim community's attitudes towards the 'official narrative' surrounding the 7/7 bombings.This revealing that of 500 British Muslims:

59% of the 500 people polled believe that the government has not told the public the whole truth about the 7th July bombings.

A quarter of Muslims polled think the authorities were involved with staging the 7/7 London bombings.

52% believe that the British security services have "made up" evidence to convict terrorist suspects.

24% believe the four men identified as the July 7th bombers were not actually responsible for the attacks.

68% believe that the Muslim community does not bear any responsibility for the emergence of extremists willing to attack UK targets. Although 58% felt that the community should be doing more.

What are Muslims doing to fight Extremism?

After the Attacks in the West End and Glasgow Airport; Are Muslims in Britain Still in a State of Denial?
Muslims do need to police there community's better,it's not good enough just to condemn it !! they must take affirmative action in dealing with this crisis. It will backfire on them in the long run if they sit and allow this to happen over and over again :)
Reply:Can you also read this please
Reply:There is denial and there is no doubt about it and narrow mindedness..

I remember having a conversation and saying akshay kumar was one of my favourite actors and then a muslim said of course I like Khan...but I didnt like kumar because he was hindu....

I would like to say I know muslims who are angry but i dont...muslims dont get angry the way other do...I would also like to say they denounce these acts but they dont get political...

what I see about muslims which i think is different from other cultures is the parallel in atitude to christians....just that its a different god and they dont go out binge drinking and looking for a shag on friday night...

I worked with alot of muslims once and I wanted them to get angry about 7/7 and the majority of them arent fascist or bothered...they just live their lives....and get together when its about religion...and the odd one or too get political and think things about this society suck in the same way that bus drivers and people on minimum wage think high prices sucks and immigration sucks.........

people who say the muslims are not doing enough think they are responsible some how and that is scapegoating...
Reply:They wiill be in a state of denial even after they have lit the fuse. Has that animal in hospital done us all a favour and died yet ?
Reply:Well! Does any governing body tell the whole truth? Probably not, but i still prefer half truth to the word of someone who does not have at least half our best interests at heart.
Reply:Once a highly-respected Mullah in Chechnya spoke about Talibans in his preach in the mosque in which he called Talibans "violent dogs"...

Guess what happened to him..

He got murdered one night when he was going back home...

If Muslims start protesting, the terrorists will probably blow up and kill these Muslims...
Reply:i dont know if they are in denial or if they just want to distance themselves from the extremist lunatics, afterall, not all muslims are terrorists! i was brought up to respect all religions and beliefs, so we must keep an open mind and not tar everyone with the same brush.
Reply:It's amazing, isn't it? Their level of denial is just astounding. Here in the U.S., a poll earlier this year showed that 40% of Muslims don't think that Muslims were responsible for the 9/11 hijackings. 40%! And yet they buy at our stores, use our utilities, drive freely on our roads, make use of our hospitals and get welfare or charity from the same government they all seem to hate. I'm so sick of them just not believing the truth. How can they be convinced?
Reply:they are still in denial
Reply:you bet ye, they will be until we put them on the plane back to pakistan.

loops beats

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