Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Survey: Do you like those investigative reporting programs?

Today we come to you from polls and surveys on yahoo answers. Conducting the survey today is the infamous Watermelon Mami. A couple days ago, I let Judas Rabbi know I was on to his little game of reporting those whom he feels threatened by, when he asked a question regarding what kind of bear people are most afraid of...Funny, because a friend of mine just got suspended a couple days ago and ranked #5 as an answerer.

All of the sudden, my answers are being reported by the community daily, since I let him know that I am on to him.

Watermelon: Judas, do you have anything to say for yourself?

JR: No comment.

Watermelon: Do you feel threatened when someone comes close to being a top answerer?

JR: No comment

Watermelon: Why are you running, Judas?

JR: go away

Watermelon: You do realize that there is life outside of yahoo! answers, right?

JR: shut up

Watermelon: Judas, does it bother you that people who are creative with their answers are more popular?

JR: you suck

(JR speeds off.)

Survey: Do you like those investigative reporting programs?
Great reporting!
Reply:My god, word travels fast around here! Thanks so much! Report Abuse

Reply:Best reporting I've seen in a very long time.

Up there with Watergate, in fact!
Reply:I've learned sooooooo much on this site. I believe all of the above to be true and very very scary!!
Reply:Thank you for just confirming something thats been on my mind for the last few days. I was just about to email someone about that too. You were reading my mind. =)

I LOVE those shows!
Reply:Wow! Did that really happen? Oh, and yes, I love those shows, love Court TV, love Cold Case Files, Love Investigative Reports will Bill Curtis. :)







Can you explain this?
Reply:No I like them shoot-em up movies...kill everybody but the good looking one..
Reply:Life outside og Y!A, huh?

Opens portal to outside world. "Ahhh! that bright glowing sky disk is hurting my eyes, and my skin feels other than warm. What's happening to me?"
Reply:thats the best reporting job i have ever heard!!

is there really a life outside of here?!
Reply:I actually love CNN, 60 Minutes .... 20/20, Dateline, and pretty much any and all news shows.

BTW, tonight on 60 Minutes, Dan Rather is interviewing Judas Rabbi. Coincidence??
Reply:I don't know what to say ... other than YOU rock! =) lol

I'm pitchin' your resume to Channel 7 and 9 as I type! If you make it to the prime time .. you'll need a manager! That'll be me! Together we'll take out the JR's of the world! Woo hooo! Look out she's a woman armed with a microphone and cameras ... can you think of anything more dangerous? heh heh!

I've had VN's this week after giving some jerk off a reasonable answer to his ignorant question which was REALLY a statement ... did he get one? Nooooo! But I sure did. Somethings going on with Y!A ... everyone I know has gotten tons of VN'S this week so don't feel alone sweetie.

Violator's of the world ... unite! They may take our Q's and A"s ... but they'll NEVER break our spirit! ;-)

Peace sista!! =)

Reply:Ok, lets just add some flashing and a few thrown punches and we may actually have a episode from COPS..and how sexy would that be? oh yeah!
Reply:Oh my dear sweet innocent child I could have told you this a year ago....Take comfort in knowing he will die a lonely miserable soul
Reply:Wow...the plot thickens. Nice toes BTW.
Reply:wow. interesting. this really is quite the hotbed of shitte around here ,inn't it?
Reply:A human turd is he.
Reply:*Calls Watermelon* (whispers) Meet me behind the old Mill at 9:30 pm on Sunday I have some evidence that will prove without a reasonable doubt that he is guilty of all the charges, and a flaming cross dresser,but I am being followed and have had many accounts killed as well. We need to be discreet about this but once released it will bring an end to the tyranny on Answers
Reply:Oh .... phew ... I thought at first you were trying to give me the head's up to skidaddle south before five-O showed up.

Don't they use tasers now-a-days to get a more cooperative interviewee?
Reply:Nice reporting my dear lady, you speak the truth. Let us not forget his faithful pathetic followers that will do anything to keep him in that top spot.
Reply:First I would block this JR person. Anyone that has not got the balls to stand up and answer a direct question regarding something that they have done is just a low life scum.

Now I have to say that I also place some of the blame on YA. If YA just automatically suspends a person because someone reports their question or answer without any review then the problem lies with YA.

In response to your question: Yes I love IR programs, I really enjoy the ones where guys e-mail under age girls, set up a get together and get busted. One of the guys that was arrested a year ago worked at my former place of employment. He was a Government employee, used Government funds to travel to see this 'Girl', was arrested, lost his job, retirement, and is or will soon be in prison for 3 - 5 years or more! I hope that the warning is clear to all Pedifiles out there, they will catch you and God help you when they do!

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